little by little special
Telephone English phrases
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シンプルで通じる もう少し会話らしく
名のる ○○です This is ○○. This is ○○.
よく使うセリフ どなたですか Who is it? May I have your name?
もう1度言って(誰?) Please tell me your name again. May I have your name again?
もう1度言って I 'm sorry ?
Excuse me ?
I beg your pardon?
Excuse me ?
興味ありません I 'm not interested in.
No thank you !!
Excuse me but, I 'm not interested in.
英語がヘタで I don't speak English well.
わかりません I don't understand.
ゆっくり話して More slowly please. Could you speak more slowly?
大きな声で話して Please speak louder. Could you speak a little louder,
I can't hear you.
ちょっと待って Hold on please. Please hold on a minute.
Just a moment please.
電話する編 ○○と代わって Please call ○○. Would you please call ○○ to the phone?
かけ直します I 'll call again. I 'll call again.
○○はいつまで留守なのか How long is ○○ going to be away?
電話を受ける編 ○○に代わります I 'll call ○○. I 'll call ○○.
お待ちください Hold on please. Please hold on a minute.
Just a moment please.
お待たせしました Thank you for your waiting. I 'm sorry to have kept you waiting.
私です。 It's me.
I 'm on the phone.
○○は留守です ○○ is not in(at) home. ○○ is not in(at) home.
○○は□□に行っています ○○ is away in□□. ○○ is away in□□.
かけ直して下さい Please call back again. Please call ○○(誰) back again.
○○は家に□時頃戻ります ○○ will come home about□. ○○ will come home about□.

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